German Texts for Beginners

German texts for beginners to practice reading and comprehension in German language. Understanding written German is both demanding and critical. Here is one simple and enjoyable way to see how you are doing.

40 free texts Premium: 212 texts

Experienced German teachers prepared easy articles and simple conversations in German for beginners (level A1 and A2) and intermediates (level B1 and B2) to evaluate your comprehension and leave you feeling challenged and satisfied. Just click, read, and then answer the multiple-choice questions of the associated test. Your answers get evaluated immediately, and you are ready to move on to the next exercise. It's easy, enjoyable and free.

As an added convenience, you can download and print a pdf version of all texts and exercises.

Learn to read and really understand what you are reading! 300 texts with questions are online and that's only the beginning.
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Level A1

  • Vorstellung
    Anna introduces herself
    ? » PDF
  • Juliana in Deutschland
    Taking a language class in Germany
    ? » PDF

Level A2

  • Am Flughafen
    We're taking a family vacation.
    ? » PDF
  • Berufe
    It's not that big, but it has everything I need
    ? » PDF
  • Der Weg zur PostDIALOGUE
    Marco has to mail a letter
    ? » PDF
  • ? » PDF
  • ? » PDF
  • Einkauf im Supermarkt
    I'm going grocery shopping with my brother.
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  • ? » PDF
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  • ? » PDF
  • Mein Tag
    Daily routine: Learn to talk about a normal day
    ? » PDF
  • Meine Familie
    Presentation of family and relatives
    ? » PDF
  • Neu in der Stadt
    I moved to another city for college.
    ? » PDF
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  • Tagesablauf
    Anna's Saturday routine
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  • Urlaub in den Bergen
    Text about holidays in the mountains
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  • Verkehrsmittel
    Overview of means of transport in Germany
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  • ? » PDF
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Level B1

  • Berlin
    Woman tells about her life in Berlin
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  • Ein Tag in Hamburg
    One day in Hamburg: Things to do and see
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  • Mein Leben
    Living abroad helped me improve my English.
    ? » PDF
  • Meine Stadt
    My city, one of the biggest in Germany
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  • Sport
    Sofia is very happy with her family
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Level B2

  • Ein Tag in Wien
    Text about a family that visits Vienna (Wien)
    ? » PDF
  • Feste und Brauchtum in Deutschland
    Some of the most important celebrations in Germany
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  • Mein bester Freund
    Text about my best friend
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  • Ostern
    How do Germans celebrate Easter?
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