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Conditional sentences - Type 2

If-clauses Type 2 are structured with a past simple verb in the 'if' clause and 'would' followed by the base form of the verb in the main clause, as in "If I had a car, I would drive to work." They are used to discuss hypothetical situations in the present or future that are considered unlikely or unreal, allowing the speaker to explore possible outcomes of these imagined scenarios.

In this exercise, fill in the blanks to construct accurate Type 2 conditional sentences.

Question 1:
They (to celebrate) if they (to win) the game.
Question 2:
If he (to go) to bed early, he (to wake) up refreshed.
Question 3:
He (to help) you if he (to know) you needed it.
Question 4:
She (to visit) her grandparents if she (to have) a car.
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