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Conditional sentences - Type 1

If-clauses Type 1 are structured with a present simple verb in the 'if' clause and 'will' followed by the base form of the verb in the main clause, as in "If it rains, I will stay indoors."

They are used to discuss real or very likely situations in the present or future, allowing the speaker to express definite plans or predictions based on specific conditions.

Please complete the blanks in this exercise to form correct Type 1 conditional sentences.

Question 1:
If Oliver (to take) the last cookie, he (to have) to bake more.
Question 2:
If they (to invite) us, we (to attend) the party.
Question 3:
If you (to see) Helen at the meeting, (to tell) her to call me.
Question 4:
She (to sign) up for the marathon if she (to feel) confident after her training.
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