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Present tense: verbs ending in -ARE
The conjugation of -ARE verbs in the present indicative is one of the first topics introduced in the study of Italian grammar. These exercises will help you understand the basic rules of conjugation through activities that allow you to test your knowledge of -ARE verbs in the present indicative, such as completing sentences or choosing the correct verb form.
Question 1:
Gianni, come il volo al prezzo più basso?
1 trovate
2 trovi
3 trove
4 trova
Question 2:
Chi da solo al mare?
1 vole
2 voliamo
3 volano
4 vola
Question 3:
Mamma, perché sempre le stesse cose?
1 comprate
2 compro
3 compra
4 compri
Question 4:
Tu più veloce di me.
1 nuoto
2 nuoti
3 nuota
4 nuotate