Returning a phone call
Today, it’s common to see a number of different professionals in a number of different fields of employment engaged and rather busy with their work. However, business experts have an especially minimal amount of free time available in the office, and as such, they often find themselves returning phone calls—or calling back fellow industry specialists who’ve contacted them regarding a matter of professional significance. Return phone calls are typically issued in response to business call messages, or short summaries left when a professional isn’t able to take a phone call, for the purpose of highlighting the reason that contact is being initiated.
In terms of tone, return business phone calls can capture a number of different moods and attitudes, which the caller can decide upon; some business calls are friendly, while others are naturally competitive. However, generally speaking, returned phone calls should be made as soon as possible and should concern the matter for which contact was initiated by the caller.
Consider the following example of a typical return business phone call, as continued from the previous example of a typical business phone call message.
Lotner: Hello, my name is Jared Lotner, and I’m returning a message I received from Jack Tempt.
Tempt: Hello, Jared. Thanks for returning my call. How’s everything going?
Lotner: Not too bad, thanks for asking. You mentioned that additional product information I asked about in your message, right?
Tempt: I did. I was able to secure files containing the data you wanted to see.
Lotner: That’s awesome! Would you like to disclose it to me now? I could also review the file itself if you email it.
Tempt: Whatever is most convenient for you sounds good to me.
Lotner: Could you email it over?
Tempt: Certainly! I’ll send it right now.
Lotner: Great, thanks. I’ll call you back after I take a look.
Tempt: Sounds good.
In this example, neither caller is pushy, rude, or unprofessional, but it’s apparent that they respect one another and understand that they’re both rather busy. Mutual respect is a hallmark of the business world—and especially the business world in terms of phone calls—as time is a valuable commodity. Lastly, this example shows how important business return phone calls are, as they can initiate the development of multimillion-dollar deals and agreements, as well as relationships that span across multiple decades.
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