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Formation of adverbs

To form French adverbs from adjectives, you often add the ending "-ment" to the feminine form of the adjective. For example, "heureux" (happy) becomes the adverb "heureusement" (happily). If the adjective ends in "-ant" or "-ent," the ending changes to "-amment" or "-emment," such as "constant" (constant) to "constamment" (constantly) and "évident" (obvious) to "évidemment" (obviously). However, there are some irregular forms that must be memorized.

Question 1:
Le boxeur a frappé son adversaire ? (brutal).
1 brutalement
2 brutalemment
3 brutallemants
4 brutallemment
Question 2:
Si je te perds, je te chercherai ? (infini).
1 infiniement
2 infiniment
3 infinimant
4 infiniemmants
Question 3:
Les filles se retournent ? (discret) pour voir l'autre table.
1 discrettement
2 discrètement
3 discrèteman
4 discrement
Question 4:
Je trouve ce film ? (merveilleux) beau. Meilleur film de ma vie !
1 merveilleuxment
2 merveilleusemant
3 merveilleuseman
4 merveilleusement