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Plural dos substantivos

Em inglês, para formar o plural dos substantivos, geralmente se adiciona um "s" no final da palavra. Por exemplo, "cat" se torna "cats" no plural. No entanto, há exceções a essa regra, como "child" que se torna "children".

Questão 1:
The salad was topped with sliced (tomato) and drizzled with olive oil.
Questão 2:
The park was filled with tall (tree) that provided shade on a hot day.
Questão 3:
The shelter had dozens of adorable (cat) looking for their forever homes.
Questão 4:
They made three (wish) on the birthday candles and blew them out.
Questão 5:
The (wife) of the soldiers sent care packages to their husbands.
Questão 6:
The street was lined with beautiful (house).
Questão 7:
I always lose my (key), so I keep a spare set in my desk at work.
Questão 8:
The dentist told me I need to floss my (tooth) more often.
Questão 9:
They gathered around the large (table) to celebrate the holidays.
Questão 10:
The zoo had a large exhibit of playful (monkey) swinging from tree branches.
Questão 11:
The (company) in this industry are constantly competing for market share.
Questão 12:
The child played with a variety of colorful (toy) in the playroom.
Questão 13:
We went on a road trip and visited three different states in three (day).
Questão 14:
She made scrambled (egg) and toast for breakfast.
Questão 15:
The United States is one of the most diverse (country) in the world.
Questão 16:
The bustling (city) of New York and Tokyo are both exciting and overwhelming.
Questão 17:
The autumn wind blew the (leaf) off the trees.
Questão 18:
The group of tourists rode (donkey) to the top of the mountain.
Questão 19:
The sound of the crashing (wave) was calming and soothing to her.
Questão 20:
The delivery man carried multiple (box) up the stairs to the apartment.
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