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Frasi condizionali - Tipo 3

Le frasi condizionali di tipo 3 sono strutturate con il trapassato prossimo nella proposizione 'if' e 'would have' seguito dal participio passato del verbo nella proposizione principale, come in "If I had known, I would have called." Vengono utilizzate per discutere situazioni ipotetiche nel passato, esprimendo rimpianto, critica o speculazione sui risultati che potrebbero essersi verificati in circostanze diverse.

Per favore, completa gli spazi vuoti in questo esercizio per formare frasi condizionali di tipo 3 corrette.

Domanda 1:
If they (to know) about the detour, they (to take) another route.
Domanda 2:
If he (to charge) his phone, he (to make) the call.
Domanda 3:
If they (to study) together, they (to learn) more.
Domanda 4:
I (to write) a thank-you note if I (to receive) a gift.
Domanda 5:
If it (to be) sunny, we (to go) to the beach.
Domanda 6:
If you (to bring) your umbrella, you (to stay) dry.
Domanda 7:
We (to see) the movie if we (to arrive) earlier.
Domanda 8:
If he (to save) his money, he (to buy) a new bike.
Domanda 9:
If you (to ask) me, I (to help) you.
Domanda 10:
If she (to practice) the piano, she (to perform) better.
Domanda 11:
He (to pass) the test if he (to study) harder.
Domanda 12:
You (to find) your keys if you (to look) in your bag.
Domanda 13:
If we (to leave) on time, we (to catch) the train.
Domanda 14:
She (to catch) the bus if she (to run) faster.
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