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Plants are extraordinary living things. Although they seem simple, they are actually, in some ways, more complicated than us.

For instance, a whole new plant can be grown from just a single leaf. No animal can accomplish that! The way that plants distribute their seeds is amazing too. Plants can shoot seeds from their pods, send them flying on the wind, or grow spines that attach seeds to animals’ fur, spreading new generations everywhere.

Plants are also amazingly adaptable, finding ways to grow even in impossible environments, both hot and cold. Plants manufacture their own food from sunlight, absorb nutrients from the ground, and fool insects into spreading their pollen. Truly, they are some of nature’s finest creations.

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Leia o texto acima e escolha a opção correta:

Questão 1:
Plants are ____, because they can grow in any environment.
a Easy
b Despicable
c Predictable
d Adaptable
Questão 2:
A single leaf can ____
a Explode
b Grow into a whole new plant
c Fly on the wind
d Spread pollen
Questão 3:
Although plants seem simple, they are really _____
a Impossible
b Concrete
c Complicated
d Feisty
Questão 4:
Plants can spread their seeds by_______
a Using insects
b Destroying them
c Mailing them
d Attaching them to animal’s fur
Questão 5:
How do plants manufacture their own food?
a From sunlight
b From the kitchen
c From other plants
d From water
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