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Frases condicionais - Tipo 3

As frases condicionais do tipo 3 são estruturadas com o mais-que-perfeito na cláusula 'if' e 'would have' seguido do particípio passado do verbo na cláusula principal, como em "If I had known, I would have called." São usadas para discutir situações hipotéticas no passado, expressando arrependimento, crítica ou especulação sobre resultados que poderiam ter ocorrido sob circunstâncias diferentes.

Por favor, complete os espaços em branco neste exercício para formar frases condicionais do tipo 3 corretas.

Questão 1:
If they (to know) about the detour, they (to take) another route.
Questão 2:
If he (to charge) his phone, he (to make) the call.
Questão 3:
If they (to study) together, they (to learn) more.
Questão 4:
I (to write) a thank-you note if I (to receive) a gift.
Questão 5:
If it (to be) sunny, we (to go) to the beach.
Questão 6:
If you (to bring) your umbrella, you (to stay) dry.
Questão 7:
We (to see) the movie if we (to arrive) earlier.
Questão 8:
If he (to save) his money, he (to buy) a new bike.
Questão 9:
If you (to ask) me, I (to help) you.
Questão 10:
If she (to practice) the piano, she (to perform) better.
Questão 11:
He (to pass) the test if he (to study) harder.
Questão 12:
You (to find) your keys if you (to look) in your bag.
Questão 13:
If we (to leave) on time, we (to catch) the train.
Questão 14:
She (to catch) the bus if she (to run) faster.
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