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Frasi condizionali - Tipo 1

Le frasi condizionali di Tipo 1 sono strutturate con un verbo al presente semplice nella clausola 'if' e 'will' seguito dalla forma base del verbo nella clausola principale, come in "If it rains, I will stay indoors."

Sono usate per discutere situazioni reali o molto probabili nel presente o futuro, permettendoti di esprimere piani definiti o previsioni basate su condizioni specifiche.

Completa gli spazi vuoti in questo esercizio per formare corrette frasi condizionali di Tipo 1.

Domanda 1:
If they (to open) a new restaurant in town, we (to try) it out.
Domanda 2:
If you (to mix) red and blue, you (to get) purple.
Domanda 3:
We (to start) dinner if they (to arrive) in the next hour.
Domanda 4:
If you (to look) in the cabinet, you (to find) the sugar.
Domanda 5:
We (to go) hiking if the weather (to remain) nice.
Domanda 6:
She (to take) a cooking class if she (to move) to Italy.
Domanda 7:
If I (to hear) any news, I (to let) you know immediately.
Domanda 8:
I (to answer) all your questions if you (to send) them to me by email.
Domanda 9:
If I (to find) your keys, I (to call) you.
Domanda 10:
You (to need) an umbrella if it (to start) to rain.
Domanda 11:
If she (to eat) peanuts, she (to have) an allergic reaction.
Domanda 12:
You (to save) a lot of money if you (to cook) at home instead of eating out.
Domanda 13:
If it (to rain) tomorrow, we (to cancel) the picnic.
Domanda 14:
He (to take) another route if the traffic (to be) bad.
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