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Frasi al condizionale

In questo esercizio di inglese, esploreremo i tre principali tipi di frasi condizionali, comunemente note come "clausole if". Queste condizionali sono strumenti essenziali in inglese che esprimono una condizione e il suo risultato.

Per ogni frase dell'esercizio, scegli la forma corretta per completare accuratamente la clausola if.

Domanda 1:
He (to pass) the exam if he had revised the material thoroughly.
Domanda 2:
If she (to accept) the job offer, she would be working abroad now.
Domanda 3:
You will know the answer if you (to pay) attention in class.
Domanda 4:
If you jog every morning, you (to lose) weight.
Domanda 5:
You will get a discount if you (to use) this coupon.
Domanda 6:
If you (to practice) your speech, you would have delivered it flawlessly.
Domanda 7:
If he (to have) a telescope, he would watch the stars every night.
Domanda 8:
If you (to possess) magical powers, you would change the world.
Domanda 9:
They would have repaired your car by now if you (to bring) it to the shop last week.
Domanda 10:
If he owned a bakery, he (to make) pastries every morning.
Domanda 11:
He would have felt better if he (to take) the medicine.
Domanda 12:
If we had checked the weather, we (to postpone) the picnic.
Domanda 13:
If she (to take) her medicine, she will feel better.
Domanda 14:
If you played the violin, you (to join) the orchestra.
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