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My morning routine

My name is Bob. Each day I drive my kids to school. My daughter goes to a school that’s far from our house. It takes 30 minutes to get there. Then I drive my son to his school. It’s close to my job. My daughter is in the sixth grade and my son is in the second. They are both good students. My daughter usually sings her favorite songs while I drive. My son usually sleeps.

I arrive at the office at 8:30 AM. I say good morning to all my workmates then I get a big cup of hot coffee. I turn on my computer and read my email. Some days I have a lot to read. Soon I need another cup of coffee.

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Proszę odpowiedzieć na poniższe pytania:

pytanie 1:
Which two places are near each other?
a home and office
b daughter’s school and office
c home and daughter’s school
d son’s school and office
pytanie 2:
Which child is older?
a daughter
b son
c not sure
d same age
pytanie 3:
What happens in the car each morning?
a father and daughter tell jokes
b daughter reads and son sleeps
c son sleeps and daughter sings
d son and daughter talk
pytanie 4:
What happens at the office?
a all of the above
b workmates give Bob a big cup of hot coffee
c Bob gives all his workmates a big cup of hot coffee
d Bob gets a big cup of hot coffee
pytanie 5:
When does Bob get his second cup of coffee?
a after driving the children home
b after reading his email
c before reading his email
d before greeting his coworkers
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