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Oraciones condicionales - Tipo 2

Las oraciones condicionales de tipo 2 se estructuran con un verbo en pasado simple en la cláusula 'if' y 'would' seguido de la forma base del verbo en la cláusula principal, como en "If I had a car, I would drive to work." Se utilizan para discutir situaciones hipotéticas en el presente o futuro que se consideran improbables o irreales, permitiendo al hablante explorar posibles resultados de estos escenarios imaginados.

En este ejercicio, llena los espacios en blanco para construir oraciones condicionales de tipo 2 precisas.

Pregunta 1:
You (to learn) faster if you (to practice) every day.
Pregunta 2:
If he (to buy) a new camera, he (to take) more photos.
Pregunta 3:
If we (to have) popcorn, we (to watch) a movie.
Pregunta 4:
We (to play) soccer if it (to stop) raining.
Pregunta 5:
He (to paint) his room if he (to choose) a color.
Pregunta 6:
If she (to have) a bike, she (to ride) to school.
Pregunta 7:
If you (to finish) your homework early, you (to watch) TV.
Pregunta 8:
He (to read) more books if he (to buy) a new lamp.
Pregunta 9:
I (to call) my friend if I (to find) my phone.
Pregunta 10:
If they (to learn) English, they (to travel) to the USA.
Pregunta 11:
If I (to know) how to swim, I (to join) the swimming club.
Pregunta 12:
You (to improve) your Spanish if you (to practice) every day.
Pregunta 13:
You (to compete) in chess tournaments if you (to practice) more often.
Pregunta 14:
If I (to know) how to ski, I (to go) to the Alps every winter.
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