David is planning a Vacation

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Dann beantworte die folgenden Fragen zum Text:
Frage 1:
Where did the family vacation last year?
a Italy
b France
c Florida
d California
Frage 2:
What is the name of David's wife?
a Erin
b Elizabeth
c Edie
d Emily
Frage 3:
How old are David's sons?
a Three
b Four
c Five
d Their ages are not known.
Frage 4:
In what city does David's family live?
a Atlantic City
b New York
c Atlanta
d Miami
Frage 5:
What are the name of David's sons?
a Brian and Brandon
b Brandon and Brent
c Brandon and Brooks
d Brian and Brent
Frage 6:
Which state is not being considered for vacation?
a Georgia
b Colorado
c California
d Idaho
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