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Applying for jobs

Henry graduated from college with a degree in Elementary Education, and began searching for jobs. While doing an internship previously as a university student, he discovered his greatest strength and interest was teaching children in a regular classroom setting. He also had previous volunteer experience as a camp and youth counselor.

He therefore decided to focus his job hunt on elementary schools in his state. First, he prepared and printed a neat and comprehensive CV, highlighting his educational background, work and volunteer experiences. He then added a section pointing out his other skills in such areas as foreign languages and computer programming. Finally, he added a segment about his interests, and listed some personal references.

Once the CV was ready, Henry checked for job openings daily. Much of his search was done on the internet, researching elementary schools in the area - there were none in his hometown, which was just a tiny village. He also chatted with people and asked his acquaintances about any job openings, as he’d heard that this kind of “networking” was important. He also checked internet job boards.

After a few weeks, Henry discovered a possible job vacancy at a school about 15 miles from his home. He wrote a nice cover letter, outlining his background and expressing his interest in the job. Then he attached his CV, and mailed the application. One week later, the school called him – they asked him to come in for an interview!

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Пожалуйста, ответьте на следующие вопросы понимания:

Вопрос 1:
Henry's college degree was in...
a Elementary Education
b Computer Programming
c Internships
d Career Counseling
Вопрос 2:
For his job search, Henry prepared a comprehensive...
a Skill
b CV
c CD
d DC
Вопрос 3:
One of Henry's other skills was...
a Mailing letters
b Foreign languages
c Personal references
d Text messaging
Вопрос 4:
Henry also checked for job postings on the...
a Sports page
b Internet job boards
c Cover letter
d Radio
Вопрос 5:
Henry discovered a possible job vacancy...
a before doing an internship
b overseas
c at a nearby camp
d about 15 miles from his home
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