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Business phone calls

Even with today's overall focus on technology, business phone calls, or phone calls intended to discuss deals, agreements, and any other information of professional significance are important and often-utilized, as they allow experts from a number of different companies and organizations to completely understand one another. Like many other aspects of business, phone calls feature quite a few variables and elements that should be considered by those involved. Failing to consider these variables and elements can inhibit a business phone call's effects and negatively impact business relationships.

First and foremost, a caller dials and starts a business phone call, while a receiver answers a business phone call.

Starting a business phone call might appear to be as easy as dialing a phone number, but there's a bit more to the process than that. The caller should assure that the call is taking place at an appropriate time for the receiver, that there is well-defined subject matter to discuss, and that this subject matter is outlined. Well-defined subject matter could be anything from a potential deal to agreement specifics, and even an inquiry as to how a client is feeling and what he or she needs.

Outlines of important discussion points, or reminders of topics that should be talked about during conversations, help make business phone calls as meaningful and useful as possible. With that said, business phone calls can begin with some light-hearted small talk, or non-official talk that's intended to offer a break from official conversation, to build trust and emphasize a relationship, before proceeding into matters of professional concern.

Receiving a business phone call is similarly straightforward. If one is unable to talk at a given moment, the generally accepted practice is to answer a call and request that the caller phone back at a later time (or that he or she receive a return call at a later time). Other than that, one simply answers, remains courteous and attentive, and allows the caller to guide the conversation. It's recommended that one take notes during business phone calls.

Exchanging information, or providing contact details, pertinent figures or statistics, or other requested data is a common business phone call practice that can be started by the caller or the receiver. To exchange information, one simply asks the individual on the other end of the phone if he or she believes it would be mutually beneficial (or helpful for all parties involved) to swap specified information. If an agreement is made, the received information should be taken note of.

If something that a caller says isn't completely understood or isn't clear, one can politely ask him or her to repeat what was said. This request can be as simple as "Can you please repeat that?" or "Sorry, I didn't catch that."

Ending a business phone call, or the process of hanging up and bringing a conversation to a close, is usually automatic, and occurs when both callers feel that the dialogue's purposes have been fulfilled. If a business phone call has to be ended early (because something unforeseen has come up), the caller should ask if the dialogue can continue at a later time.

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beantwoord de vragen alstublieft:

vraag 1:
What is a business phone call?
a A phone call between two friends
b A phone call about no particular subjec
c A phone call intended to discuss deals, agreements, and any other information of professional significance
d None of the above
vraag 2:
Whose job is it to outline a business phone call's conversation topics?
a The receiver
b The company
c The caller
d Both the company and the receiver
vraag 3:
What is the purpose of small talk?
a To help business experts make deals
b To offer the caller and receiver a brief break and improve their relationship
c To waste company time and resources
d To see who can talk at a lower volume
vraag 4:
What type of information should be exchanged?
a Information that's unrelated to work
b Information that's agreed upon at the start of a conversation
c Any information
d Mutually beneficial information
vraag 5:
How should one ask a caller to repeat something?
a Politely and respectfully, to aid the conversation and the relationship
b Rudely, to punish him or her for not being clear
c One shouldn't ask a caller to repeat something
d Quickly, to save time
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