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Some ou Any

"Some" et "any" sont utilisés en anglais pour indiquer une quantité non spécifiée. "some" est utilisé dans des phrases affirmatives tandis que "any" est utilisé dans des phrases négatives ou interrogatives.

Question 1:
Can I have ? bread?
1 some
2 any
Question 2:
Are there ? bananas?
1 some
2 any
Question 3:
Do you have ? money?
1 some
2 any
Question 4:
I would love ? cookies.
1 any
2 some
Question 5:
Would you like ? tea?
1 any
2 some
Question 6:
Could I borrow ? sugar?
1 some
2 any
Question 7:
We should buy ? rice.
1 some
2 any
Question 8:
I can't have ? caffeine at night.
1 any
2 some
Question 9:
I'd like ? water, please.
1 any
2 some
Question 10:
Is there ? candy left?
1 some
2 any
Question 11:
She wants to buy ? movie tickets.
1 any
2 some
Question 12:
Have you seen ? of my cats?
1 any
2 some
Question 13:
Does the flight have ? available seats?
1 some
2 any
Question 14:
Can I offer you ? snacks?
1 some
2 any
Question 15:
I don't have ? paper in my bag.
1 some
2 any
Question 16:
He needs ? medicine for his cold.
1 any
2 some
Question 17:
We don't have ? plans for the weekend
1 some
2 any
Question 18:
Do you have ? advice?
1 any
2 some
Question 19:
Is there ? way to fix this broken vase?
1 some
2 any
Question 20:
The bakery offers ? delicious pastries and cakes.
1 some
2 any