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Prépositions de temps

Avec cet exercice en ligne, vous apprendrez à utiliser les prépositions de temps en anglais.

Les prépositions de temps en anglais sont "at", "on" et "in". "At" est utilisé pour désigner un moment précis dans le temps, comme "at 3 o'clock". "On" est utilisé pour les jours de la semaine ou une date spécifique, comme "on Monday" ou "on July 4th". "In" est utilisé pour des périodes plus larges dans le temps, comme "in May" ou "in the 20th century".

Question 1:
The train leaves ? 10:30 a.m.
1 at
2 on
3 in
Question 2:
I usually go to bed ? midnight.
1 at
2 in
3 on
Question 3:
We usually go on vacation ? the summer.
1 at
2 on
3 in
Question 4:
We always have dinner ? 7 p.m.
1 in
2 on
3 at
Question 5:
We have classes ? Wednesdays.
1 at
2 in
3 on
Question 6:
The dinosaurs lived ? the past.
1 on
2 in
3 at
Question 7:
I prefer to study ? the morning.
1 on
2 at
3 in
Question 8:
The farmers harvest their crops ? the fall.
1 at
2 on
3 in
Question 9:
I usually go skiing ? the winter.
1 at
2 in
3 on
Question 10:
The concert is ? Friday night.
1 on
2 at
3 in
Question 11:
We always have a big feast ? Christmas Day.
1 on
2 in
3 at
Question 12:
We might have flying cars ? the future.
1 at
2 on
3 in
Question 13:
The movie starts ? 8 p.m.
1 at
2 in
3 on
Question 14:
My birthday is ? the 5th of June.
1 on
2 at
3 in
Question 15:
The new semester starts ? September 1st.
1 at
2 on
3 in
Question 16:
The exam is ? Friday morning.
1 on
2 in
3 at
Question 17:
We usually have lunch ? noon.
1 on
2 in
3 at
Question 18:
We're leaving for our trip ? Monday.
1 in
2 at
3 on
Question 19:
I have an important meeting ? 9 a.m. tomorrow.
1 at
2 in
3 on
Question 20:
I enjoy reading a book ? bedtime every night.
1 at
2 on
3 in