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Pronom personnel

Complète les exercices ci-dessous pour pratiquer l'utilisation des pronoms personnels. Les pronoms personnels sont utilisés à la place des noms. Par exemple, considère la phrase suivante : "The woman is pretty." Tu peux écrire la même phrase avec un pronom : "She is pretty."

Les pronoms personnels peuvent être difficiles. Chaque pronom doit correspondre à la conjugaison du verbe. Par exemple, lors de l'utilisation du verbe "to be", la conjugaison change. Lors de l'utilisation du pronom "I", la forme du verbe devient "am" : "I am young." Lors de l'utilisation du pronom "she", la forme du verbe devient "is" : "She is young."

Question 1:
? are late for dinner again.
1 They
2 I
3 He
Question 2:
? is my big brother.
1 I
2 He
3 They
Question 3:
? am learning English at school.
1 We
2 He
3 I
Question 4:
? are in a hurry to get to school!
1 I
2 We
3 He
Question 5:
? is jogging in the park.
1 You
2 She
3 I
Question 6:
? are playing soccer tonight.
1 They
2 I
3 She
Question 7:
? is writing a letter to her boyfriend Ted.
1 They
2 She
3 I
Question 8:
? am sick with the flu.
1 I
2 They
3 He
Question 9:
? are on the same football team.
1 I
2 He
3 We
Question 10:
? are running in a race.
1 He
2 You
3 I
Question 11:
? am too short for the roller coaster.
1 He
2 I
3 They
Question 12:
? are from Germany.
1 She
2 We
3 I
Question 13:
? is David’s sister.
1 He
2 I
3 She
Question 14:
? is Carol’s brother.
1 I
2 He
3 She
Question 15:
? is a girl.
1 I
2 She
3 He
Question 16:
? is a boy.
1 We
2 He
3 They
Question 17:
? are related to each other.
1 They
2 He
3 I
Question 18:
? am an only child.
1 I
2 He
3 They
Question 19:
? are a good friend to me.
1 You
2 He
3 I
Question 20:
? is wearing a long dress to the dance tonight.
1 She
2 I
3 They