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Phrases conditionnelles - Type 3

Les phrases conditionnelles de type 3 sont structurées avec le plus-que-parfait dans la proposition subordonnée en 'if' et 'would have' suivi du participe passé du verbe dans la proposition principale, comme dans "If I had known, I would have called." Elles sont utilisées pour discuter de situations hypothétiques dans le passé, exprimant des regrets, des critiques ou des spéculations sur des résultats qui auraient pu se produire dans des circonstances différentes.

Veuillez compléter les blancs dans cet exercice pour former des phrases conditionnelles de type 3 correctes.

Question 1:
If they (to know) about the detour, they (to take) another route.
Question 2:
If he (to charge) his phone, he (to make) the call.
Question 3:
If they (to study) together, they (to learn) more.
Question 4:
I (to write) a thank-you note if I (to receive) a gift.
Question 5:
If it (to be) sunny, we (to go) to the beach.
Question 6:
If you (to bring) your umbrella, you (to stay) dry.
Question 7:
We (to see) the movie if we (to arrive) earlier.
Question 8:
If he (to save) his money, he (to buy) a new bike.
Question 9:
If you (to ask) me, I (to help) you.
Question 10:
If she (to practice) the piano, she (to perform) better.
Question 11:
He (to pass) the test if he (to study) harder.
Question 12:
You (to find) your keys if you (to look) in your bag.
Question 13:
If we (to leave) on time, we (to catch) the train.
Question 14:
She (to catch) the bus if she (to run) faster.
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