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Phrases conditionnelles - Type 1

Les phrases conditionnelles de Type 1 sont structurées avec un verbe au présent simple dans la clause 'if' et 'will' suivi du verbe à la forme de base dans la clause principale, comme dans "If it rains, I will stay indoors."

Elles sont utilisées pour discuter de situations réelles ou très probables dans le présent ou le futur, te permettant d'exprimer des plans définis ou des prédictions basées sur des conditions spécifiques.

Complète les blancs dans cet exercice pour former des phrases conditionnelles de Type 1 correctes.

Question 1:
If they (to open) a new restaurant in town, we (to try) it out.
Question 2:
If you (to mix) red and blue, you (to get) purple.
Question 3:
We (to start) dinner if they (to arrive) in the next hour.
Question 4:
If you (to look) in the cabinet, you (to find) the sugar.
Question 5:
We (to go) hiking if the weather (to remain) nice.
Question 6:
She (to take) a cooking class if she (to move) to Italy.
Question 7:
If I (to hear) any news, I (to let) you know immediately.
Question 8:
I (to answer) all your questions if you (to send) them to me by email.
Question 9:
If I (to find) your keys, I (to call) you.
Question 10:
You (to need) an umbrella if it (to start) to rain.
Question 11:
If she (to eat) peanuts, she (to have) an allergic reaction.
Question 12:
You (to save) a lot of money if you (to cook) at home instead of eating out.
Question 13:
If it (to rain) tomorrow, we (to cancel) the picnic.
Question 14:
He (to take) another route if the traffic (to be) bad.
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