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Phrases conditionnelles

Dans cet exercice d'anglais, nous explorerons les trois principaux types de phrases conditionnelles, communément appelées "clauses if". Ces conditionnelles sont des outils essentiels en anglais qui expriment une condition et son résultat.

Pour chaque phrase de l'exercice, choisissez la forme correcte pour compléter précisément la clause if.

Question 1:
He (to pass) the exam if he had revised the material thoroughly.
Question 2:
If she (to accept) the job offer, she would be working abroad now.
Question 3:
You will know the answer if you (to pay) attention in class.
Question 4:
If you jog every morning, you (to lose) weight.
Question 5:
You will get a discount if you (to use) this coupon.
Question 6:
If you (to practice) your speech, you would have delivered it flawlessly.
Question 7:
If he (to have) a telescope, he would watch the stars every night.
Question 8:
If you (to possess) magical powers, you would change the world.
Question 9:
They would have repaired your car by now if you (to bring) it to the shop last week.
Question 10:
If he owned a bakery, he (to make) pastries every morning.
Question 11:
He would have felt better if he (to take) the medicine.
Question 12:
If we had checked the weather, we (to postpone) the picnic.
Question 13:
If she (to take) her medicine, she will feel better.
Question 14:
If you played the violin, you (to join) the orchestra.
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